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  1. All new schools and old schools, must compulsory have a landscaped garden, filled with plants trees and a playground. Wherever a school is without land to have a landscaped garden, and a playground, the government would take up the responsibility of acquiring a land at the nearest point from the school, and hand over the acquired land to the school, to be landscaped and converted into a playground by the students.

    Prelude - Every farmer wants his son/daughter to take up white collared jobs or work away from cultivating land and harvesting crops. Therefore the question to be addressed is, if everyone gives up farming, from where will our food grains, vegetables and other food raw materials come from? The earth sustains the world, hence it is imperative that the Government develops a pride in it’s people to work with mother earth and it’s constituent mud.

    a.     With the intention of inculcating the love for cultivation, all students above Std IV to post graduate students, would compulsorily have to work in fields during the tilling of the land and harvesting. During this period the school and colleges, will be asked to declare holidays
  2. ll school and colleges would be given a land to cultivate various type of crops.  The school and college authorities would be required to teach their students, the art of farming, as well as till the land and harvest the crop.  The earnings from the same could be utilized for the maintenance of the school and college.
  3. To maximize the benefits of the curiosity of a child , and instill in him the  love for plants and  planting, the Government will make it compulsory for pre primary schools, to teach their students the art of planting.  Therefore the Government will endeavour to have all pre primary schools, junior KG to Std II located in the villages on the periphery of a field.
  4. The teachers teaching the kids at the pre primary schools would compulsorily have to come from schedule caste, schedule tribes or from backward classes. Aspiring candidates from backward, SC/ST, tribals who wish to pursue a career, in teaching in higher classes would be given assistance and special training, and provided with a stipend during this period.
  5. The management of all schools (aided/unaided) will have absolute freedom, to select the faculty of their choice, an individual, who according to them would impart the best education to their students.
  6. ll schools from Std VII to XII, will compulsorily have to be taught, basic theory and practicals, of masonry, plumbing, carpentry, concrete combination, cement moulds, cement carving, tile laying, iron fabrication, electrician and welding.
  7. ll schools and colleges would be mandatorily required, to set up weekly markets of vegetables, fruits, meats and finished items, so as to enable the students to pick up the profession of selling products.
  8. tudents aspiring to be union representatives must secure a minimum of 60% at the last held examination. Student representatives to college unions should compulsorily be an internal affair of the college. Any person other than enrolled students entering the college, prior or during electioneering would be considered an offender.
  9. All schools and colleges up to graduation level will compulsorily have to organize orchestra and brass bands in the school.  The Government would assist in acquiring the musical instruments required for the same.
  10. Many students today complain about why they have to learn subjects that will not help them in future therefore we will lay emphases on; first on teaching the child to speak in Konkani and the orally translate the same in English and then make the child speak in English . it will be compulsory for the teachers to see that the students learn to speak Konkani and then the same therefore the first and second years of the Childs schooling would be only oral teachings.
  11. All schools will compulsorily require to have their own flower, fruit, and vegetable nurseries. A subject “FARMING SKILLS” including fish farming, animal husbandry, poultry will have to be taught to the students of standard 4th onwards.
  12. All aided or un – aided schools will compulsory required to have a subject; “SKILLS FOR THE FUTURE” beginning with the students of standard 4th where they are taught the early basic’s of every skills. The said knowledge should be progressed year after year so that by the 10th standard every student has the complete knowledge of all the skills. (Theoretical, Practical as much as possible).
  13. The sporting events for all schools and colleges should also include competitions in digging, climbing of trees and coconut trees, sweeping, plumbing, laying of tiles, laying of bricks (building walls) cutting both with the axe and hacksaw.
  14. The school will be required to organize one class from std 5th onwards to prepare refreshment for the entire school. The cost for the same would be provided by the Government.


Goa The Land,
The Gods Lovingly Bequeathed To Lord Parshuram

Aptly Called The Rome Of The East,
